
Man on motorcycle

Did a Defective Motorcycle Part Play a Role in Your Motorcycle Accident?

When a motorcycle accident occurs because of a faulty or defective bike part, it's not always easy to tell. And it’s very important you know if a faulty part caused or contributed to your accident as that fact will play a significant role in how you move forward with...

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Agressive dog

Types of Damages To Pursue After a Dog Bite

Dogs are mostly known as loyal and loving companions. These pets offer comfort and safety to the people who care for them.However, these seemingly harmless animals can sometimes bite and cause serious injuries. If you are a victim of a dog bite, you may be eligible to file a cla...

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7 Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

A work injury can leave you out of your job, in pain, and stressed about medical and household bills. Often, workers are unaware of all the compensation options available and receive fewer benefits than they deserve. Discover why you need a workers' compensation attorney be...

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Types of Truck Accidents

Sharing a road with a reckless truck driver is among the things you likely don't want to find yourself in. A truck wreck can easily leave you with permanent bodily injuries or even take your life. Common causes of today’s truck accidents are distracted driving, reckle...

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Car Wrecks: Actions You Should Take

Car accidents are jarring and stressful, not to mention the toll it takes on your health and finances as you recover. Fortunately, you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and ensure accurate and considerable compensation, especially if you did not cause the wreck.He...

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Person filling work injury claim form

5 Reasons Why Most Work Related Injuries Go Unreported

Work injuries are common in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2.7 million nonfatal injury and occupational illness cases reported in the private sector in 2020.Severe work-related injuries often require expensive medical interventio...

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How to Ensure Success When Moving a Loved One to a Nursing Home

There comes a time when you need to consider a change in care or standard of living for your loved ones as they increase in age. Some are simply less interested in or able to manage the day to day of their own house and others are in need of an additional level of care and suppor...

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Teenagers Drive Cars Older and Less Safe

This blog post has been edited. It was originally posted on December 5, 2014. Facts of this case may have developed or changed since the original post date. Settlements/verdicts may have been reached or are in progress.With the potential for lawsuit filings when a you...

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CDC Lab Problems Discovered After Probe

The potential for a lawsuit exists following an investigation into security problems at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) laboratory in Atlanta. The problems discovered at the lab were detailed in a report on an anthrax exposure incident issued by the U.S. Department of Agricu...

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Insurance Companies Forced to Pay Claims

This blog post has been edited. It was originally posted on July 28, 2014. Facts of this case may have developed or changed since the original post date. Settlements/verdicts may have been reached or are in progress.An investigation by KXAN in Austin found that many va...

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